KettleWink Concerts
latest episode....
In the Beginning
KettleWink Concerts Ep #1
Set in a lockdown with a busking dobro player.
Boredom and a lack of friends leads him to ponder starting his own TV show.
Special guest performing live in an altered state of reality for a Kettlewink. That period of time it takes to put the kettle on and make a cuppa.
He needs to find a host , but no ordinary host
David and Shimna
KettleWink Concerts Ep #2
Dobro Bro comes back from busking to find David and Shimna at KettleWink.
Being the good host, he puts on the kettle while they play a few tunes.
Ronel Hunter.
KettleWink Concerts Ep #3
Ronel Hunter drops in to play a few songs while the Capo'd one puts the kettle on.
Ronel delivers a stunning performance. So easily are we captivated by the honesty and presence of her songs.
Dobro Bro's chums Jude Madill, Karen Jones and Tony Burt pop in for a tune too
Úna ní Fhlannagáin and Karen Jones.
KettleWink Concerts Ep #4
DobroBro hosts an Irish Harp Day KettleWink concert.
Úna ní Fhlannagáin, all the way from Ireland nipped in for a cuppa and Karen Jones, all the way from CEOL, next door came to join in the festivities!
Drawing inspiration from the fanciful adventures in a corner of the KettleWink world, Tony Burt - Lockdown Lullaby is a curious musical in the making.
Welcome to a place in time and history where the lines between reality and fantasy are osmotic.
With a mix of musings, stories and some seriously adventurous musical performance on resonator and guitar,
Tony will entertain for at least 45 minutes! Joining Tony on stage during the performance will be Karen Jones, one of the best supporting rhythm guitarist either side of the osmotic line.

It's ALIVE show
The Busker Waltz - Dobro Bro meets the mysteriously cool guitar gal !